Orthodontic Treatment at Oxford Place Dental

In contrast to the usual fixed braces that teenagers wear, we use ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wires. These are less visible compared to metal braces. Invisalign is even less visible but removable so patient’s compliance becomes an important factor as the aligners need to be worn almost 24/7 other than eating, drinking and brushing times. For those who neither want their braces to be visible nor wish to commit themselves to wear aligners all the time, we also offer "lingual braces”, a type of fixed brace that is placed on the inside of teeth so cannot be seen during day-to-day interactions with other people.

Some adult patients did not want or were not offered braces when they were younger. At OXFORD PLACE DENTAL, we offer braces to both adults and kids, regardless of any previous history of orthodontic treatment.


Of course, not all cases are suitable to be treated in a general dental practice and so some would be better served if seen by an orthodontist in a specialist orthodontic practice or by a hospital consultant, particularly if it is a case of braces combined with surgical correction of the jaw relationship. If so, we would advise you at your consultation appointment.

Braces Treatment

Following an examination, we may take impressions, photos and one or more radiographs. These will help us to formulate a treatment plan. For adult patients, the two options are generally fixed braces or the removable type such as Invisalign.

For those younger patients who are still growing, a third type of brace might be indicated called “functional”. These are designed in  such a way that if worn as instructed, they would guide the lower jaw into a certain relationship to the upper one which in turn move the teeth and correct the way they come together. Functional appliances may then be followed by fixed braces to finalise the treatment.

During & After Orthodontic Treatment

Excellent oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is required to avoid decalcification of enamel around the brackets and appearance of white spots on teeth after the braces are removed.

Once the treatment is finished, a thin wire is glued to the back of 4-6 of the front teeth to ensure results are maintained. Removable retainers are also provided which are initially worn full time but after the first 12 months, gradually reduced to one or two nights a week.

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Dedicated to Implants and Orthodontics